Monday, November 17, 2008

Class Response#1

Our Science class is learning about symbiosis and the relationship to other living organisms. I learned lots of new facts. There are 3 relationships mutualism, commenalism, parasitism. Symbiosis is the relationships between 2 organisms that have relationships together. Like, lives on, lives near, or gives both organisms some benefits. It is a very interesting subject and it has taught everyone some very interesting and new facts!
- Symbiosis is the habitual living together of organisms of different species.
-The term is usually restricted to a dependent relationship that is beneficial to both participants (also called mutualism).

I think this subject is kind of fun but in some ways but it is not my all time favorite, such as i do not like to present. And It is fun by i like to research. So i like this subject in some ways but not in all the ways.

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