Monday, December 1, 2008

Class Response#2

In science class we learned lots of new things such as owl pellets. Owl pellets are balls of left over stuff that owls cant digest. Certain animals such as the original barn owl eats and spits out remainders such as fur and bones.
-The owls eat their food not in pieces but whole. They don't have teeth so they swallow whole. After the food digests it spits out balls of materials such as fur and bones that they cant digest.
-The owls digestive system splits the food in half meat/bones or fur. Which causes it to spit the food it cant digest.

This is what we learned in class. And i find it very interesting. Such as how owl pellets are such odd shapes.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Class Response#1

Our Science class is learning about symbiosis and the relationship to other living organisms. I learned lots of new facts. There are 3 relationships mutualism, commenalism, parasitism. Symbiosis is the relationships between 2 organisms that have relationships together. Like, lives on, lives near, or gives both organisms some benefits. It is a very interesting subject and it has taught everyone some very interesting and new facts!
- Symbiosis is the habitual living together of organisms of different species.
-The term is usually restricted to a dependent relationship that is beneficial to both participants (also called mutualism).

I think this subject is kind of fun but in some ways but it is not my all time favorite, such as i do not like to present. And It is fun by i like to research. So i like this subject in some ways but not in all the ways.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Climate Campaigners On Terrorist List?!

On a 13 Month Period Starting in March 25, 2005 three environmentalists working for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network were listed in a Maryland State Police data base as being “suspected of involvement in terrorism.” A description had said that the police had no evidence that they are terrorists. But on a update at 3:30 p.m. The climate group has been involved in civil disobedience. Both before and since the law enforcement listing. The workers are very mad and they say, “Since 2001, I have devoted my life entirely to the peaceful promotion of windmills and solar panels to solve global warming. Apparently not everyone liked my work, however.”

In my opinion this is a very horrible situation and these workers are very mad.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mysterious Skeleton Fish Found On Beach!

Scientist say this Fish is over 375 years old! But this is not just any fish it is up to 9 feet long. It was named the Tiktaalik Roseae and it is nicknames Fishapod for its fishlike features. Scientists say that the Skeleton Fish has interacted with land creatures in shallow waters. A few have been found around 4 years ago. Which means these Skeleton Fish are very rarely found in time. Many scientists have little proof that this Skeleton Fish had a very flexible neck for example, to go in shallow waters you need a flexible neck for more movement in spots with very little space. It was also a very bony fish with lots and lots of bones! This fish is very rare and not many have found it. This fish still remains a mystery...