Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Injections On Earth!

People in many facilities inject carbon dioxide in the ground, and they are to report their injection to the government. Many Government scientists try to track emissions of methane and gases which have a powerful impact on the atmosphere! Even worse than carbon dioxide! If they gather all this info then we are closer to reduce greenhouse emissions! This will make a cleaner energy future with less Global Warming!

In my opinion this is very good and it will help the environment to be less pollution and gases!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Global Warming!!!

Global Warming is what happens when humans burn too much fossil fuels. As a result of this we are facing temperature changes around the world. If this were to get very bad the polar ice caps might melt and cause flooding around the coastal areas causing damage to animals and people! Global Warming in my opinion is a very bad thing. And it endangers the safety of people around the world.
In order to stop or slow down Global Warming we should use less fossil fuels and stop polluting the world! An interesting fact that is very funny is that cow burps cause methane and pollute the earth which causes more global warming!


Friday, September 25, 2009

How Snakes swallow a snake the same size. Or Bigger!

Snakes can swallow snakes its size or bigger! They First open its mouth and walk the other snake into its mouth. Then, it forces it into its digestive system. 15 days to digest. It is very interesting and once it eats it, it is done! In my opinion this is gross but very interesting!

Friday, June 5, 2009


This movie had lots of relations to science because of all the rockets and math. It was very funny and cool! The kids were smart. They were also sophisticated! This is character ed by they never gave up! They fulfilled their duties of making rockets! The movie was very touching and they did a great job! I loved the movie. The kids won a reward and did all kinds of scholarships! Homer the main character won scholarships! It was a great movie and i thank all the Omega teachers for letting us watch it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Responge to Devils Rule.

My Response to Devils Rule about his Duchene Muscular Dystrophy Disease. Duchene Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disorder that affects the way that people move and use their skills like jumping. This seems like a very serious genetic disease. And to find that this can happen from teens through age 30 is very scary! I wonder why this disease can spread? It is very odd that this disease can even exist! I find it very interesting that this disease causes fatigue? In my opinion this is a interesting disease. This disease also causes awkward manners of walking, frequent falls, difficulty with motor skills, fatigue, and muscle weakness. I feel very scared because this can happen to anyone anytime. I believe this is one of the very bad diseases.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cri Du Chat

Cri Du Chat is a genetic disorder that was discovered in 1963. There are many symptoms and possible complications of being a patient with this disease, such as Cat-like infant crying, low birth weight, mental retardation, reduced muscle tone, deformed ears, and wide-set eyes. Some complications include, short stature, and learning disabilities. There are not many treatments for this disease, there is just, keep emergency equipment, and emergency resuscitation equiptment close. The Mortality for this disease is a full life. The common Population in the U.S. for Cri Du Chat is, 1/20,000-50,000 newborns in U.S. The population that is most vulnerable is France because this disease is from France. The Molecular level with the genes that cause the disease, it is caused by a deletion of portions of the “p” arm of the 5th chromosome. There are no real treatments, there are just emergency equipment to use. Cri Du Chat means Cry of the Cat in French.